Charter John Morrison from the Leonard book
From Northern Ireland to Londondery, NH 1720

+--James Wilson 
Betsey M. Wilson 
|        +--John Morison  (1628-16 FEB 1736)
|     +--Halbert Morison  (1685-6 JUN 1755)
|     |  +--Wife One 
|  +--David Morison  (1730-23 FEB 1825)
|  |  +--Jean Steele  (1700-19 OCT 1753)
+--Elizabeth Morrison  (14 MAR 1775-23 JUL 1834)
   |  +--Thomas Boyes 
   +--Elizabeth Boyes  (1739-1 DEC 1816)


Registered by James Morrison

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