Charter John Morrison from the Leonard book
From Northern Ireland to Londondery, NH 1720

+--William A. Bickford 
Nellie Augusta Bickford 
|  +--Alfred Nowell  (25 DEC 1817-18 SEP 1863)
+--Mary Jane Nowell  (6 JAN 1838-5 JAN 1879)
   |           +--John Morison  (1628-16 FEB 1736)
   |        +--Joseph Morison  (1720-17 FEB 1806)
   |        |  +--Jeanette Steele 
   |     +--John Morison  (28 FEB 1749-21 APR 1840)
   |     |  +--Mary Holmes 
   |  +--Joseph Morrison  (22 OCT 1785-19 JAN 1871)
   |  |  +--Anne Grey  (24 AUG 1751-27 FEB 1825)
   +--Anna Jane Morrison  (16 DEC 1812-)
      +--Jane Paul  (21 JUL 1784-16 JAN 1875)


Registered by James Morrison

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