Charter John Morrison from the Leonard book
From Northern Ireland to Londondery, NH 1720

   +--Thomas Davidson 
+--Levi Davidson  (4 JAN 1836-)
|  |           +--John Morison  (1628-16 FEB 1736)
|  |        +--John Morison  (1678-14 JUN 1776)
|  |        |  +--Wife One 
|  |     +--John Morison  (20 SEP 1725-27 DEC 1816)
|  |     |  +--Margaret Wallace  (1687-18 APR 1769)
|  |  +--Daniel Morison  (24 NOV 1760-26 NOV 1832)
|  |  |  +--Martha Anderson  (1732-31 MAR 1811)
|  +--Margaret Morison  (15 OCT 1795-)
|     +--Rachel McLellan  (1766-21 NOV 1843)
Lavinia E. Davidson  (21 JAN 1872-)
+--Margaret Hill 


Registered by James Morrison

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