Charter John Morrison from the Leonard book
From Northern Ireland to Londondery, NH 1720

+--Charles A. Davis  (-9 APR 1863)
Matthew Thornton Davis  (JAN 1854-JUL 1854)
|           +--James Thornton 
|        +--Mathew Thornton  (1714-24 JUN 1803)
|     +--James T. Thornton  (20 DEC 1763-1820)
|     |  |  +--Andrew Jack  (-1773)
|     |  +--Hannah Jack 
|     |     |  +--John Morison  (1628-16 FEB 1736)
|     |     +--Mary Morison  (1718-)
|     |        +--Jeanette Steele 
|  +--James Bonaparte Thornton  (11 MAY 1800-1836)
|  |  +--Mary Parker  (3 JAN 1763-1832)
+--Mary Parker Thornton  (12 SEP 1831-22 JUL 1875)
   +--Susan Shepard 


Registered by James Morrison

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