Robert Morrison Family Tree
From Northern Ireland to Bridgewater, MA 1740
+--Jacques de la Berge (-UNKNOWN)
+--Robert de la Berge (24 MAY 1638-2 APR 1712)
| +--Marie Poitevin (-UNKNOWN)
+--Guillaume LaBerge (30 APR 1674-1729)
| | +--Maruice Blay (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Francoise Gausse-dit-Leborgne (1634-9 MAR 1713/14)
| +-- Marguerite (-UNKNOWN)
+--Gabriel LaBerge (1 JUL 1715-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Nicolas Quentin (1633-27 MAR 1683)
| +--Marie Jeanne Quentin (4 AUG 1678-1 DEC 1749)
| | +--Michel Roulois (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Madeleine Roulois (1646-UNKNOWN)
+--Gabriel LaBerge (27 JAN 1750/51-UNKNOWN)
| +--Madeleine Jourdain (-UNKNOWN)
+--Joseph Marie LaBarge (4 JUL 1787-22 JAN 1860)
| | +--Jean Baptiste Rivert (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Marie Veronique Rivet (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Veronique Jason (-UNKNOWN)
+--Joseph Marie LaBarge, Jr. (1 OCT 1815-3 Apr 1899)
| | +--Francois Alvarez (1740-1807)
| | +--Joseph C. Alvarez Hortiz (1753-25 Jun 1807)
| | | +--Bernada Hortiz (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Eulalie Alvarez-Hortiz (25 OCT 1789-14 MAR 1867)
| | +--Jean Baptiste Nicolas Becquet (-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Jean Baptiste Nicolas Becquet (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Francoise Masse (-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Jean Baptiste Bequet (24 NOV 1725-21 October 1797)
| | | +--Catherine Barreau (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Marguerite Marianne Becquet (1763-07 Aug 1829)
| | +--Gabriel Dodier (-1 August 1763)
| +--Marie Francois Dodier (ABT 1744-1785)
| | +--Nicolas Millet (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Marie Francoise Millet (1723-10 Feb 1783)
| +--Marie Louise Cardinal (-UNKNOWN)
+--Henry Septime LaBarge (17 Apr 1859-9 April 1913)
| | +--Jean Guerre (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Rene Guerey (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Francois du Montmiral (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Jaques Gueret-dit-Dumont (1666-24 APR 1739)
| | | +--Madeleine le Vigoureux (-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Pierre Gueret (1714-UNKNOWN)
| | | | +--Jaques Tardif (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Marie Anne Tardif (1676-18 FEB 1751/52)
| | +--Pierre Guerette-dit-Dumont (29 NOV 1739-UNKNOWN)
| | | | +--Claude Aubert (1614-20 MAR 1693/94)
| | | | +--Felix Aubert (1642-20 FEB 1689/90)
| | | | | +--Jacqueline Lucas (1612-24 AUG 1680)
| | | | +--Felix Aubert (10 JUN 1690-UNKNOWN)
| | | | | | +--Guillaume Tibault (-UNKNOWN)
| | | | | +--Claire-Francoise Tibault (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Marie Joseph Aubert (1720-18 OCT 1760)
| | | +--Madeleine Mignier (-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Pierre Guerette (3 MAY 1780-19 SEP 1839)
| | | | +--Jean Baptiste Millot (-UNKNOWN)
| | | | +--Jean Baptiste Millot (-UNKNOWN)
| | | | | +-- Marianne (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Pelagie Millot (ABT 1748-UNKNOWN)
| | | | +--Pierre Pilet de Lasonde (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Madeleine Pilet-dit-Lasonde (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Catherine Marie Madeleine Boisron (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Eliza Pelagie Guerette (10 JAN 1825-1 JAN 1903)
| +--Marie Palmer (1 OCT 1789-7 DEC 1840)
+--Pierre Lauck LaBarge (26 JUN 1890-20 SEP 1982)
| | +--Peter du Laux
| | +--Peter Lauck (31 DEC 1753-2 OCT 1839)
| | +--Samuel Heiskell Lauck (10 DEC 1790-16 Oct 1827)
| | | | +--Benjamin Heiskell (-UNKNOWN)
| | | | +--Christopher Heiskell (1727-OCT 1808)
| | | +--Amelia Heiskell (1761-1842)
| | | +-- Eve (-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Lewis Morgan Lauck (20 Oct 1818-1 Mar 1874)
| | | | +--Thomas Lindsey (1721-UNKNOWN)
| | | | +--Thomas Lindsey (-9 FEB 1811)
| | | | | +--Mary Frost (-UNKNOWN)
| | | +--Mildred Elvira Lindsey (11 Mar 1797-19 Mar 1855)
| | | +--Mary Reagan (-1807)
| +--Louise Thebeau Lauck (DEC 1863-04 Sep 1910)
| | +--Peter Hannun (1781-UNKNOWN)
| +--Emily Virginia Hannun (9 Sep 1823-5 Feb 1895)
| | +--Henry Keller (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Mary Keller (1792-UNKNOWN)
Dorothy Louise LaBarge (10 JUN 1918-21 FEB 1998)
| +--Daniel Warnhoff (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Frederick Christoph Wornhoff (MAY 1828-24 JUN 1878)
| | +--Wilhelmine Schuler (-UNKNOWN)
| +--Frank A. Warnhoff (JAN 1854-UNKNOWN)
| | +--Augusta Baecker (SEP 1831-BET 1900 AND 1910)
+--Elsie Warnhoff (11 JAN 1895-19 JAN 1983)
+--Anna Haig (AUG 1854-UNKNOWN)
Registered by James Morrison
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