Robert Morrison Family Tree
From Northern Ireland to Bridgewater, MA 1740

      +--Geoffrey V Plantagenet  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--King Henry, II  (1133-1189)
   |  |           +-- Richard  (958-1027)
   |  |        +-- Robert  (999-1035)
   |  |        |  |  +-- Conan, I  (ABT 945-992)
   |  |        |  +--Judith of Brittany  (982-1017)
   |  |        |     |  +-- Geoffrey, I  (940-987)
   |  |        |     +--Ermengarde de Anjou  (980-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                                +-- Saint Begga  (613-698)
   |  |        |        |                             +--Pepin of Heristal  (635-714)
   |  |        |        |                             |  |  +--Pepin of Landen  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                             |  +--Ansigise Arnulfings  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |              +-- Syagrius  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |           +--Tonantius Ferreolus  (420-485)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |           |  |  +--Afranius Syagrius  (330-382)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |           |  +-- Ferreolus  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |        +-- Tonantius  (450-510)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |     +-- Ansbertus  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |  +-- Arnouldus  (552-601)
   |  |        |        |                             |     |  |  +-- Blithilde  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                             |     +-- Itta  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                          +--Charles Martel  (676-741)
   |  |        |        |                          |  +-- Alpaide  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                       +--Pepin the Short  (714-768)
   |  |        |        |                       |  +--Bavaria Suanhilde  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                    +-- Charlemagne  (742-814)
   |  |        |        |                    |  +-- Bertrada  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |                 +-- Pepin  (773-810)
   |  |        |        |                 |  +--Hildegarde of Swabia  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |              +-- Bernard  (797-818)
   |  |        |        |           +-- Pepin  (818-892)
   |  |        |        |           |  +-- Cunigunde  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |        +-- Herbert, I  (840-902)
   |  |        |        |     +-- Herbert, II  (890-943)
   |  |        |        |     |  +--Beatrice of Morris  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        |        |  +-- Robert  (920-968)
   |  |        |        +--Adelaide de Anjou  (940-978)
   |  |        |           +--Adelaide de Challons  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     +--William the Conquerer  (1024-1087)
   |  |     |  +-- Herlexe  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--King Henry, I  (1068-1135)
   |  |  |  +--Matilda of Flanders  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  +-- Matilda  (1104-1167)
   |     +--Matilda of Scotland  (-UNKNOWN)
+--King John, I  (1167-1216)
|  +--Eleanor of Aquitaine  (1123-1203)
King Henry, III  (1207-1272)
+--Isabella de Taillefer  (1188-1245)


Registered by James Morrison

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